Sunday, August 31, 2003

im exhausted...or rather
i was exhausted.... =p

went fer e nike real run, x-terrain challenge (tts wad they said in the shirt)
so fun =p, 6 km round sentosa (men's junior)
saw lotsa the sji ppl there... in bright yellow nike dri-fit shirts doin the CIP thingy...
have this urge to run again.... ?
next year... dahaha
oh yea, my time woz 33.14mins quite ok.
summore i woz wearing my hiking shoes which were damn heavy...

after went 2 e delta hockey pitch....for what?

[the beach part sucks]

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
2:03:00 AM

Saturday, August 30, 2003

damz cut my hair...
i look weird

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
8:10:00 AM

Friday, August 29, 2003

so what i went to school fer...

2dae! is oneheckofadayinthelifeofmeotherthenyesterdaywhichwasanotherveryheckofoneday
a day
1)concert (damn, wad concert) -a camera as a neutraliser, how pathetic...haha
2)workout (techno remx of love triangle by a guy - everytime i see u failling i get down on my knees and pray, waiting fer the final moment...)
4)haha...get myself a life, where got so fast go home
5)st mikes (uh...oh, oh, i rem. you... ohhh you're **** rite....yaa, heheh....) so nice, sniff...
6)soccer at a better pitch... ( man on. back back )
7)i already have a life
9)blah,bi blah blah, it is juz a illusion...
[short...ahahaha =p]

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
4:48:00 AM

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

freak i juz realised my crtl c dosent work anymore!!! cant paste!!!
i shall not reformat my computer....
whattheheck... fun tml

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
7:09:00 AM

Monday, August 25, 2003

time start....
ok theres still some virus on my com. so i dunno wad 2 do... its crapping up the whole system...
anyways... today seems 2 be musicalish b4 school they were playing songs, during eng more songs, the pe workout thingy- music..
ok i betta save 1st
cont. so blah blah blah....
need help here... contact me

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
7:57:00 AM

Friday, August 22, 2003

phew! i made it

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
7:32:00 AM

freak the damn com.!!!
theres something wrong withit
virused dammit,
internet explorer dosent work after lik 5 mins
tts why im strugging 2 type this
[it is time]

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
7:32:00 AM

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Omg, i passed my math!!!
badly] haha
so many more 2 go...
time fer hell...

seem 2 be goin 2 tp to much, justin all yr fault !!!
at least its not raining as much
[and when i saw her face... im a believer!]

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
3:09:00 AM

Saturday, August 16, 2003

izzit me or has it been raining the whole damn day...
non stop
[damn hard 2 sp]

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
8:26:00 AM

oh yeah 2dae had some ultra lame sec 2 streaming talk since its so boring...

yay! damn cool went 2 e hillsong concert at e indoor stadium...
its some christian songy concert...
words 2 describe it: awesome, amazing, incredible....
in short, it rawks

big time

one song stood out... i luv it... =p
[can't stop praising,]
goes sth lik:
in the morning i cant stop praising yr name
in the evening...blah

the guitar woz pro... it has some new age rock kinda thingy...
way cool hey

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
8:13:00 AM

Friday, August 15, 2003

freak the testes ....
i mean it
fail! fail! fail!

did the field cooking 2dae! , our grp rawks... had sausages, lucheon meat and egg ( Mmm... me and garet cook), tuna (with sausages) and rice...oh yea not forgettin carrots... i brought em...
we were the 1st 2 finish... didnt use my mess tin and tommy stove... haha

later went 2 serene centre, j8, erms... back 2 sji and then kap
nth else betta 2 do
[can i try?]

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
3:34:00 AM

Monday, August 11, 2003

nxt time muz go at 2.50

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
8:37:00 AM

Sunday, August 10, 2003

After almost 1 year of waiting, national day is finally here and we get 24 hrs of national time, and juz lik that that it has ended... We are now goin into the Post-National day period...

where many people suffer from sore throat from singing to much... and "one united people" (song) withdrawal symtoms...and laughing at people with sore throats... and discovering new things in the NDP bag...

Many singaporeans, takes this day for granted... cos they get free bags with stuff
what if one day, for some time... this does not happen, no queing, no ballots, no wadeva extension of dateline of ticket claims, no free fans in bags therefore having to use the ndp booklet for one and wad other crap...
think about it...
wouldnt the world be a better place...Not

then that wont be fun at all... and also there wont be anything to write about in newspapers pre-and present national day

anyways, so even though it is over....
time heals all wounds and next year the same thing happens.. yay*

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
4:37:00 AM

Saturday, August 09, 2003

happy birthday singapore!!!
fer yr present i wont do any work 2dae!!!
that means nothing

so 2dae i did nothing...

[ruhan u lucki &$#^$% get to see the fireworks]

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
8:19:00 AM

Friday, August 08, 2003

todays ap performance overall woz ok But (i woz dissappointed with) the march pass (sucked ass.)..timing all went out...
1)all becoz of e band... go play drums only and change to a two beat
2)after the yang tinggi we all change positions therefore we are not used to the place
3)many more...
4)band ( the drums only -bass drums )

its offical the sec 3s has taken over, it is a new uprising... i sense a bad start (2dae)

[and now tts over.... i cant believe that i woz born again]

and oh yeah haPPi birthdaE s'Pore

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
8:16:00 AM

Thursday, August 07, 2003

damn damn damn
tml iz the REAL thing, i wont screw up or wadeva...try not 2
its gonna be i think an hour of standing there... doin nth
nth = sedia, sen... wadeva cepat jalan ... arcalarlu .... bull
and the 15 min speeches...
dun get me gd
[i strongly urge you..NOT 2 MOVE]

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
6:28:00 AM

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

lets get in the spririt....

One Singapre
One Nation strong and free
A thousand different voices
Sing in harmony
We will stand together
Together hand in hand as
One united people for
Singapore my homeland


| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
6:25:00 AM

dammit we were like this close 2 skippin the geog test, damn u tt guy i wont say yr name u noe who u are i will hunt u down and kill u...
ok maybe tts 2 harsh....
=p dude relax...
anyway the test went quite well...but if i fail u die....
tml ap rehersal.. at least in pt... maybe cos they are smart to noe tt ap is right after the day of the rehersal or they are juz dumb, plain dumb...

teachers day audition, i didnt play AS well but wddaheck... i rule, u 2 shiX... (eheh)
seems like ours iz still e best
e1 had exactly the same kinda "format as ours"
1 pro guitar, 1 beginner guitarist, i fake 1...and a piano or organ wadeva

[e best iz yet 2 be]

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
6:03:00 AM

Tuesday, August 05, 2003

freak 2 e copper carbonate, damn the back flow damn the stopper, damn the bunsen burner, also the test tube holder... 60cs...also the magnesium ribbon...

oh yea... went 2 ruhan-AHs hse 2dae supposed 2 practise e guitar.. ended up playin games...
damn screw the concert... cant even get c.... oh yea summore tml got geogtest... some1 tell me 2 get off here and go study...

[gone in 60cents)

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
6:20:00 AM

Monday, August 04, 2003

2dae the bagpipes sounded abit louder could hear em in sum other parts other then the pauses... *clap clap* , 2dae there woz this epson thingy, noe the one tt they take yr pic with new cam, 2 form s'pore... every1 looked so dead... in the shoot, i did the "'yo" kinda look.... haha
oh yea bro showed a movie " sth sth of the titans"... another movie bout racial discrimation
dammit wads the use its all gd in sji
oh yea movie report........
[dammit broke another test tube]

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
2:58:00 AM

Sunday, August 03, 2003

life is wad u make of it

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
8:06:00 AM

Saturday, August 02, 2003

full dress ap rehersal 2dae
no more no less except a can of 100 plus
[make tt two]

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
8:52:00 AM

Friday, August 01, 2003

2 polish boots or not 2 polish boots...

al yeah took the NEL 2dae on the way of home, its damn bloody hell cool
i rem this quote they had on the digital thingy

loneliness is the worst poverty
-mother theresa
the esacalators damn hi tech, woahhhh
the stairs, woahhh
seats!!, woahh
the mrt, woahhh!!
the windows, woahhh
all the pretty lights, woahh!!!

totally amazing!!!

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
8:42:00 AM

reached hme at 8 2dae, didnt beat yest hme at 8.30 Cos yest had Ap rehersal...
we had cross country 2day... at macritchie reservoir b4 tt went to sum place in toa payoh

run stats
200m- ashpalt road: the cheong-ah! part
2.4km forest path: constant speed also the overtaking speed, damn bloody hell rocky path; rocks juttin in 2 my shoe.
.'.3.6km (1st water point) stopped fer a drink- concrete path: slow down alot
(2econd water point) skipped: stop run stop run
.'.4.8km - finish in 25 mins i think, damn i onli took 1 cup of milo
4 cans of 100 plus, 1 b4 3 after

the view woz great at the top of e reservoir... it woz lik the light reflected into the water, the trees shilolette (???)

all yeh tml got Ap rehersal again, full dress summore, damn im totally exhausted... dun feel lik goin tml..

[the guy in front of me iz there 2 be overtaken]

| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
6:08:00 AM


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