screw goin close this blog
blogger giving too much problems...
i cant change the template if not the whole thing will crash...
oh yea bak fr china!!!
ni hao
[my weak attempt at chinese...dammit im am]
| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
6:22:00 AM
this is all i can remember....
flashheavy bag
flashoh yeah
ace camp was kinda lik my np camp... onli more fun
mountain climbingrawks... although didnt make it cause of e rain...screw it
:one of the 1st few to (5-6) make it to the part where we stopped and turned back
oh ya...i was carrying the water bag...
hey the rain kinda made it fun...
foodbetter then i thought...onli 1 outdoor cooking
canoeingTHIS is the BesT
me & gareth rule...
we kinda chose the damn bloody thin canoe
gd: it was damn hell of a fast canoe
bad: it could capsize damn hell easily
but we didnt capsize...many almosts...
1st part we were lik racing with pix and linus...duh won lar
we looked back every1 all behind
oh yea...we took part in the second capsize drill the much faster one (heard it was a record) prob cause we were the 1st to reach
we saved their butts
nathan was lik asking us to get lost ...i think he knew our canoe was damn unstable...
still rock...
raftingtaba 1...
another record broken
completed the course in record time 51.45 beating the previous record of 55.wadeva....
finished way faster then the rest..
taba2: 91.00 (est)
taba3 : 74.00 (est)
loved the river crossing....awan didnt let us do it again even though we finished everything...
theothernotsointerestingstuffjungle survival
orinteering (???) - oh ya we cheated a bit here (but we didnt run)
conditionsdamn freakin wet....
sleeping was enuf...
not having to shower was okay fer me....anyways i think i did cause we were spraying eaCH other with the water hose after canoing
im super tanned
i miss the bugs
miss u guys.....
| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
7:01:00 AM
| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
6:50:00 AM