Friday, October 15, 2004

The exams are past
History is made
Its time to party
Dun wanna get laid

but what However
things are getting harder
problems arise
cant be prised
so what can be done
i tried all- hundred and one
panadol for short term
injections for fun

virus spreading
Body shuts down
my bones are aching
my head starts to pound
"drink more water"
my throat seems to say
it seems to be pierced
its seems juz like hay

what is happening
is the world in a mess
what seems to be reality
what is the rest

So now i am sick
so now i am here
writing some crap
experiencing no fear
i still have school
but no more tests
how can i go
with my head in a mess

life is great
other then lying in my bed
go out and have fun man
oh... it will soon fade


| As through his eyes | Where time stopped at...
10:30:00 PM


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